"We often hear about how interim management is a valuable tool to keep in your toolbox. After an interim manager has been with a company for a while the client frequently responds: "I cannot believe we didn't think of this sooner!," this exclamation may come from a representative of the board of directors, the owner of a company or their representative, the CEO, line manager or HR Manager. Our new blog will allow us get our message across to even more people," says Vegard Rooth, CEO of InterimLeder.
Rooth is also aware that the term "blog" may seem alien to some:
"We consider blogging to be the 'unaided knowledge base' of the future." Our blog will be a forum for exchanging knowledge and opinions about a subject close to our heart and where the meaning of interim management can be debated and developed.
Many of the blog posts will address questions and challenges that InterimLeder receives from clients and interim managers alike and the blog will also highlight relevant issues from several angles, from the perspective of both the organisation and the interim manager.
The blog can be found at blogg.interimleder.no