Last week Managing Director Sverre Holen was able to stroll just a few hundred metres in the August sunshine to Rådhusbrygge no. 2 where the MS Kustos was waiting to set sail on the annual boat trip for interim managers. Because after 14 years in Skullerud, InterimLeder has now moved into the centre of Oslo.
InterimLeder is now operating from C.J. Hambros Plass 2C, in the same building as Økokrim (the Norwegian National Authority for the Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime).
"As part of our renewal process we have simultaneously switched the operational supplier of our computer systems to Daldata AS and we have outsourced our financial work to Nordstrand Regnskapsbyrå (the Nordstrand firm of accountants). Such changes are always exciting, especially computer changes, but fortunately everything has gone without a hitch," says Sverre Holen.
Great weather, just as ordered for the annual boat trip for interim managers
Each year InterimLeder organises a boat trip for those interim managers which the company has hired out during the course of the year, as well as for the company's joint venture partners and other contacts. This year the trip took place on 26 August, and fortunately the weather was fantastic.
"This is a great tradition which enables people to become better acquainted with us and with each other in pleasant surroundings. Our interim managers are our golden geese and we are proud to be able to show them off," says Mr. Holen.
At exactly 5 o'clock the 65-foot cruiser sailed out into Oslo Fjord. The weather was perfect and the passengers did not need to bring out their warmer clothing until it was almost 9 o'clock. The time passed quickly in good company, and the mood improved rapidly with the consumption of fresh prawns, beer and white wine. When the boat came alongside Rådhusbrygga again a few hours later, no-one was particularly interested in going ashore.
InterimLeder would like thank everyone who participated on the trip!