12 great candidates, but only one winning the title “Interim leader of the year 2017". The candidate receiving this award will have distinguished them self in delivering results, adding value for the client, and can be defined as a role model for interim leadership.
Interim leadership is management at executive level. Some argue that is can be compared to elite level sportsmanship. We compare interim leadership to participating as a highly trained athlete in a track and field relay. We're talking about a highly experienced leader positioned and ready on the start line carrying a baton, running an important leg of a relay before passing the baton onto the next important team leader. Then cheering on as the race develops.
Industry award
Other countries have, for several years, honoured the achievements of interim leadership. Last year we delivered the first ever industry award in Norway, with the title "Interim leader of the year". It was about time!
Although the success of an interim leader depends highly on the result of teamwork, we believe it appropriate to award and honour those who do an exceptional job in the important leg of a relay that person is assigned to.
The title and award are also an important recognition to the professionalism of what defines an interim leader, promoting interim leadership as a management discipline.
The 12 candidates nominated for the 2017 award represent different interim leadership roles and models for hire. Some of which are independent from agents, whilst others work closely with agencies.
History's first ever award ceremony in Norway of "Interim leader of the year" took place in January 2017, on Interim Leadership Day (Interimdagen 2017). Several strong candidates where presented for the award “Interim leader of the year” and the award-winning candidate selected was Sven Falcke.
Who will be this year's “Interim leader of the year 2017”?
Selection of the winner… what weighs heavy for the jury?
Candidates are assessed by a neutral jury consisting of Jury chair, Kaare Frydenberg (experienced business executive and principal), Are Skeie (BackerSkeie Executive Search & Selection), Magne Amundsen (Visindi AS) and Hege Sundquist (Interim leader/manager).
Specific criteria are assessed, and emphasis is placed on the candidate's ability to resolve the interim assignment within the defined framework: Improvement in the clients results, shown clear leadership through leadership and expertise, and created value for the client beyond pure economic goals. Through their work, he or she is also a role model for interim leadership.
This year we have opened the nominations for the public to vote for their choice of candidate. Voting can take placed until 31. December 2017. Public opinion will be taken into consideration as part of the total assessment of the jury, together with specific criteria and a comprehensive reference check of the candidates.
This year's award-winning Interim leader will be announced on INTERIM LEADERSHIP DAY 2018, on Wednesday, 31. January 2018, at the Grand Hotel in Oslo. The events will comprise of a series of informative and inspirational speakers and networking, followed by the award ceremony and formal dinner.
Don't miss INTERMIDAGEN 2018!